Special Article Collection:
"An ocean of science, worms, and humaneness: a tribute to Paulo Lana" Editors: Maikon Di Domenico, José Milton Andriguetto-Filho and Rubens M. Lopes |
· An analysis of meiofauna knowledge generated by Latin American researchers Baldeija, Bernardo; Lercari, Diego |
· Intraspecific facilitation of the recruitment of a burrowing mangrove crab species along an environmental gradient Schmidt, Anders Jensen; Diele, Karen |
· A new species of Loimia (Annelida, Terebellidae) from Papua New Guinea, with comments on other species recorded in the region Hutchings, Pat; Daffe, Guillemine; Flaxman, Beth; Rouse, Greg W.; Lavesque, Nicolas |
· Two-year survey of Alitta succinea (Annelida: Nereididae) in fouling communities with notes on morphology and reproduction Hannon, Mary Colleen; Schulze, Anja |
· Harmful algae in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, Brazil: a spatio-temporal assessment Mafra Jr., Luiz Laureno; Escobar, Bruno Pimenta; Fernanda Sobrinho, Bruna |
· Oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in Scolelepis goodbodyi (Polychaeta, Spionidae) after an experimental oil spill in a dissipative sandy beach Ozorio, Carla Penna; Guiloski, Izonete C.; Silva de Assis, Helena C.; Martins, César C.; Sandrini-Neto, Leonardo; Lana, Paulo C. |
· A drone diagnosis of the environmental quality of the restinga on the south coast of Brazil Silva, Cesar Aparecido da; Prandini, Matheus Kopp; Correa, Alan D’Oliveira |
· New species of Sphaerosyllis Claparède, 1863 (Annelida: Syllidae: Exogoninae) from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Ogawa, Namy; Mendes, Samuel Lucas da Silva Delgado; Siqueira, Gabriela; Rizzo, Alexandra |
· How is copepod functional diversity shaped by 2015-2016 El Niño and seasonal water masses in a coastal ecosystem of Southwest Atlantic? Menezes, Bárbara Santos; Becker, Érica Caroline; Agnelli, Flora Balcão; Macedo-Soares, Luis Carlos Pinto de; Dias, Cristina de Oliveira; Freire, Andrea Santarosa |
· Sediment transport trend in an erosive sandy beach: the case of Matinhos Beach, south coast of Brazil Luersen, David M.; Lopes, Alexandre B.; Franz, Guilherme. A. S.; Mildemberger, Danilo; Noernberg, Mauricio A. |
· Is Namalycastis abiuma (Grube, 1871) (Annelida: Nereididae) restricted to its type-locality? Evidence from morphological and molecular data Alves, Paulo Ricardo; Glasby, Christopher J.; Paiva, Paulo Cesar; Santos, Cinthya Simone Gomes |
· New perspectives for the Annelida collection (National Museum/UFRJ) database: using data visualization to analyze and manage biological collections Messias, Camila Simões Martins de Aguiar; Fonseca, Carlos Cesar de Oliveira; Santos, Monique Cristina dos; Sá, Asla M.; Zanol, Joana |
· The effect of extreme climatic events on littorinid snails in two estuarine environments, temperate (NW Spain) and tropical (NE Brazil) Maia, Rafaela Camargo; Troncoso, Jesus Souza |
· Polychaete research in Brazil: a bibliometric analysis Nascimento, Rodolfo Leandro; Mendes, Samuel; Vital, Marcos V. C.; Paiva, Paulo Cesar |
· Polychaetes (Annelida) from Sepetiba Bay (Brazil): an update on species occurrences Álvarez, Ricardo; Rodrigues, Andrielle Raposo; Rebello, João Gabriel; Miranda, Vinícius da Rocha; Brasil, Ana Claudia dos Santos |
· Ecological review of the Syllidae (Annelida) associated with sponges (Porifera), including the description of a new species from northeastern Brazil Lira, Anny Laura de Oliveira; Craveiro, Nykon; Paresque, Karla; Fukuda, Marcelo Veronesi; Rosa Filho, José Souto |
· Participative governance quality over marine spaces: challenges for estuarine socioecological resilience at the Paranaguá Bay Zone Telles, Daniel Hauer Queiroz; Pinotti, Lígia Carolina Alcântara |
· Aquatic avifauna in a subtropical estuarine system, a World Heritage site (Paraná, southern Brazil) Miotto, Maiara Larissa; Domit, Camila; Melo, Gabriel Domingues de; Domenico, Maikon Di |
· Determination of organic contamination levels by the ABC Method (Abundance/Biomass Curves) in intertidal estuarine flats using hierarchical design Baudisch, Steffany Katherine; Brauko, Kalina Manabe; Lana, Paulo da Cunha |
· In the footsteps of Prof. Ernst Marcus: redescription and lectotypes/paralectotypes designations of Aeolosoma species (Annelida, Aeolosomatidae) from original material Simioni, Nathan Drumov Gonçalves; Garraffoni, André Rinaldo Senna |
· Navigation buoys as stepping-stones for invasive species |
· Macrofauna from the sandy shore of the Johnny Cay Regional Natural Park, San Andrés and Providencia, biosphere reserve, Colombian Caribbean region |
· An annotated checklist of Hesionidae Grube, 1850 (Annelida: Errantia) from Brazil with a key to the genera Marques, Victor Hugo; Freitas, Roberta; Ruta, Christine |
· Aberranta magnumlanai n. sp. (Annelida: Aberrantidae) a new species from Brazil and first occurrence of the genus in the Southern Hemisphere Santos, Cinthya S. G.; Rizzo, Alexandra E. |
· Review of Polydora species from Brazil, with identification key and description of two new species (Annelida: Spionidae) Radashevsky, Vasily I. |
· First report of plastic biomedia contamination in Brazilian beaches - evidence from the Paraná coast Nagai, Renata Hanae; Mesquita, Yan Weber; Alvarenga, Aislyn; Massignani, Cecília C.V.N.; Nascimento, Ana Barbara T. |
· Reproductive cycle of Crassostrea gasar cultivated in three different locations at the Estuarine Complex of Paranaguá (PR) Afonso, Taís Serpa; Araújo, Evelyn Zenira de; Sühnel, Simone; Petersen, Rodolfo Luis; Lagreze-Squella, Francisco José |
· Direct hydrodynamic measurements at the upper shoreface of a sandy beach in Paraná - Brazil Noernberg, Mauricio A.; Rodrido, Pedro A. |
· Challenges and responses to sea level rise in the context of climate change: A case study of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex Silva, Robert; Noernberg, Mauricio; Lopes, Alexandre |