Ocean and Coastal Research (OCR) is an international, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal with no article processing charges (APC) that publishes original research in Oceanography, Fisheries, Marine Conservation, and related fields in Marine Science. Ocean and Coastal Research adopts a continuous publication model (CAP/rolling pass) of articles submitted in the English language.
Ocean and Coastal Research (OCR) is published by Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo and is the new designation of the Brazilian Journal of Oceanography (BJO), a successful journal published uninterrupted since 1950.
Other previous designations were:
- Boletim do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia
- Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico da USP
- Revista Brasileira de Oceanografia
Click here to have access to all issues of Ocean and Coastal Research including issues published under the former titles of the publication.
Articles published in 2019 and earlier are available at:
- Scielo
- Scopus
- Portal Revistas USP
ISSN online version: 2675-2824
Abbreviated title: Ocean Coast. Res.
Periodicity: Annual (January to December) with continuous publication model (CAP/rolling pass).
Manuscript statistics (prior 12 months):
- Average number of days from submission to first decision: 45 days.
- Average number of days from submission to final decision: 66 days.
- Accept ratio: 45%
Indexed in:
Peer-review process
Ocean and Coastal Research is a peer-reviewed journal and adopts a single blind peer review policy, where the reviewers' identities are not disclosed to the author(s) of the manuscript. Upon submission, manuscripts are first inspected by a managing editor to verify its adherence to the journal's scope and compliance to the Instruction for Authors. The Editor-in-Chief will assign a competent Associate Editor to handle the peer review process, including selection of at least two expert reviewers and subsequent evaluation of reviewer recommendations to provide a decision to the Editor-in-Chief. Potential heterogeneities in reviewer recommendations to the Associate Editor will be tackled by seeking additional reviews and/or by a critical editorial evaluation of available reviews, as to provide a solid feedback for the final decision by the Editor-in-Chief.
Publication Ethics and Policy
Ocean and Coastal Research is an open-access journal available through SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online).
Ocean and Coastal Research journal title abbreviation is Ocean Coast. Res. and should be used in footnotes, references, and bibliographic entries.
All Ocean and Coastal Research scientific articles are freely available without charge to the user or institution. In accordance with the BOAI definition of open access, all contents are available to readers free of charge. Users may read, download, copy, and link to the full texts of the articles. They may be used for any lawful purpose without prior authorization from the publisher or the author, as long as proper credit is given to the original publication.
All Ocean and Coastal Research published scientific articles receive an individual Digital Object Identifier (DOI) persistent digital document identification.
All the content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons License type BY. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.
More information on intellectual property can be found here and on Scielo's Open Acess Statement.
Ocean and Coastal Research is listed in Publons and reviewers and editors can add their verified peer review and editing history to their Publons profile.
Ocean and Coastal Research is indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and complies with principles of transparency and best practice for scholarly publications.
Ocean and Coastal Research is committed to the best standards in open-access publishing by adopting ethical and quality standards throughout the publishing process - from initial manuscript submission to the final article publication. This ensures authors that their work will have visibility, accessibility, reputation, usage, and impact in a sustainable model of scholarly publishing.
Ocean and Coastal Research publishes only original and previously unpublished research in Oceanography, Fisheries, Marine Conservation, and related fields in Marine Science. Manuscripts that have been submitted simultaneously to other journals will not be accepted.
Ocean and Coastal Research routinely screen for plagiarism using the Turnitin platform (OriginalityCheck and iThenticate). For more information, check the ABCD USP website (in Portuguese).
Authors utilizing Artificial Inteligence (AI) tools during manuscript preparation, image creation, data collection and/or analysis should disclose its use and specify the tools employed in the Methods section or its equivalent. Authors bear full responsibility for all content in their manuscript, including sections generated with AI tools (if any), and are accountable for ensuring compliance with publication ethics. For directives on AI use and ethics, author should refer to the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) statement.
Ocean and Coastal Research is an open-access journal with no APC - Article Processing Charges. There is no charge for manuscript submission, evaluation, and final publication.
Our work is fully voluntary, for the benefit of the ocean sciences community.
Ocean and Coastal Research is supported by Agência de Bibliotecas e Coleções Digitais (ABCD) from the University of São Paulo and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) .
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Archiving Policy: all articles are deposited in the SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online.
All articles and content published by Ocean and Coastal Research are archived by SciELO under its digital preservation program.
Authors may put their articles available on public directories, including institutional repositories, personal websites etc. once published on the SciELO portal.
Manuscript submission portal
Publication frequency
CAP (continuous article publishing) – each article is published immediately after peer-review and final approval.
Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo
(Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo)
Praça do Oceanográfico, 191
São Paulo – SP
CEP 05508-120
Our publishing statistics:
Our work is fully voluntary, for the benefit of the Ocean Sciences community.
Article layout and production
Editorial Office e-mail (Arthur Güth, Managing Editor):
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Ocean and Coastal Research website:
Ocean and Coastal Research at Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO):
Ocean and Coastal Research at the University of São Paulo digital library (Portal de Revistas USP):
Social Networks
Follow us at:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ocean_coast_res (@ocean_coast_res)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ocean_coast_res
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ocean.coast.res
Ocean and Coastal Research logo and webpage design were created by Mahina Design