Editorial Board



Rubens Mendes Lopes

Professor at the Biological Oceanography Department of the Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo. Main research interests are plankton ecology and behavior, and marine environmental monitoring. Currently leads or co-leads research projects dealing with the development and application of imaging systems and computer vision tools for automatic classification of in-situ plankton imagery. Additional research efforts in his laboratory are dedicated to understanding plankton behavioral responses using high-speed cameras and advanced optical systems. As Editor-in-Chief of Ocean and Coastal Research, is committed to promoting the dissemination of results of marine science investigations under the highest standards of scientific publication, with a competent and enthusiastic advisory and editorial board. Is proud to contribute to a long-lasting and respected marine science journal that is both open access and without article processing charges.


Advisory Board


Eduardo Siegle

Professor and Vice-Dean of the Oceanographic Institute - University of São Paulo (IOUSP), São Paulo, Brazil, where he leads the Coastal Dynamics research group. His work aims to better understand the complex interaction between the forcing conditions and the behavior of the coastal environment at various spatial and temporal scales.

Hidekatsu Yamazaki

Distinguished Professor of the College of Marine Ecology and Environment, Shanghai Ocean University as well as an Emeritus Professor at Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. He also works for Alpha Hydraulic Engineering Consultant in Tokyo as a senior fellow. He received his Ph.D. in ocean engineering from Texas A&M University in 1984. He worked at Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and switched his expertise from ocean engineering to oceanography. His interest in oceanic microstructures, particularly turbulence and plankton, started at NPS. He also worked at Chesapeake Bay Institute, Johns Hopkins University and School of Earth and Ocean Science, University of Victoria before he returned to Japan in 1993. His research spans from oceanic microstructures to fisheries ground environments as well as various biophysical coupling problems. His interests focus on examining the physical environment of phytoplankton and zooplankton from two different angles: 1) The effect of the physical environment at the individual planktonic scale (turbulence, diffusion, etc.) on the ecology and distribution of plankton. 2) The relationship between the physical environment and turbulence and other phenomena (internal waves, ocean currents, etc.). In addition, he is investigating the relationship between the distribution of larger organisms, such as fish, and the physical environment.

J. Rudi Strickler

Born and raised in Switzerland. In 1969, received the Dr.sc.nat. at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH-Z). Has held faculty positions at Johns Hopkins University, Yale University, University of Ottawa, University of Southern California, Boston University, and currently the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Research on the biology-physics intersection at the temporal and spatial scales of the zooplankton.

Rita Rossi Colwell

Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland at College Park and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and President of CosmosID, Inc. Interests are focused on global infectious diseases, water, and health. Has authored or co-authored 20 books and more than 800 scientific publications. Served as 11th Director of the National Science Foundation and Co-chair of the Committee on Science, National Science and Technology Council. Also served as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the American Academy of Microbiology, President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington Academy of Sciences, and American Society for Microbiology. Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Royal Society of Canada, Royal Irish Academy, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and American Philosophical Society. Has been awarded 63 honorary degrees from institutions of higher education and is a recipient of the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, bestowed by the Emperor of Japan; the 2006 National Medal of Science, awarded by the President of the United States; the 2010 Stockholm Water Prize, awarded by the King of Sweden; and the 2018 Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize of Singapore. A geological site in Antarctica, Colwell Massif, has been named in recognition of her work in the polar regions.


Associate Editors


Abílio Soares Gomes

Full professor at the Marine Biology Department, Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he has worked since 1992. Holds the Bachelor’s in Marine Biology, Master’s in Zoology, and the Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography, received in 1994, from the Universidade de São Paulo. Presently Head of the Sediment Ecology Laboratory (EcoSed) and Co-head of the Graduate Program in Ocean and Earth Dynamics. Research interests include population and community ecology and environmental impacts on soft-bottom habitats.

Alberto Piola

Sea-going physical oceanographer, Head of the Ocean Dynamics Section of the Servicio de Hidrografía Naval and Professor of Oceanography at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Currently Chair of the Executive Committee of the South Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation initiative (SAMOC). Has published on the large-scale circulation of the Southern Ocean and the South Atlantic. Current research is focused on the meridional overturning circulation and the physical processes leading to enhanced biological productivity. Interested in shelf-open ocean interactions and western boundary currents.

Alejandro Buschmann

Ph.D. from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, presently a Full Professor at i-mar Research Center at the Universidad de Los Lagos and a senior researcher at the Centre for Biotechnology and Bioengineering. He has published over 140 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters on aspects of coastal ecology and seaweed aquaculture, focusing on the role of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) in sustainable aquaculture development. A member of the Chilean Academy of Sciences, he has served as Director of Research and Graduate School at the Universidad de Los Lagos, as head of i-mar Research Center, and on different scientific panels of the Chilean Science Agency and national certification committees for graduate programs (CAN). He has also served as an industrial consultant for developing seaweed culture and has promoted the use of environmentally sustainable technologies for aquaculture with different world stakeholders.

Carmen Gonzalez Castro

Oceanographer at the Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas (IIM –CSIC), Vigo, Spain. Scientific interest is focused on the study of marine biogeochemical cycles in coastal upwelling systems, seeking to determine the potential routes of transformation and fluxes of organic matter in these ecosystems and the physical, biological, and biogeochemical processes that modulate them. The overall purpose is to use this knowledge, both processes and the factors that modulate them, to advance understanding of the ecosystem response to global change.

Cesar Barbedo Rocha

Joined the Faculty of the University of Connecticut, Avery Point, Connecticut, USA in the autumn of 2020. Currently he is a Professor at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo. Physical oceanographer working on a range of topics in ocean dynamics, including upper-ocean submesoscale flows, mesoscale eddies, western boundary currents, and internal waves. Currently studies submesoscale fronts in the California Current using saildrones (robotic sailboats) and mesoscale coherent structures across the South Atlantic.

Cintia Organo Quintana

Associate Professor at the Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark (SDU). My research is focused on the interlinks between marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, investigating impacts of eutrophication, pollution, losses of habitats and climate change. I explore in-depth ecosystem services provided by the biodiversity of coastal and marine ecosystems such as food-web support, natural coastal protection, and climate regulation in terms of carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions. In applied sciences, I conduct research and give advice in several projects using nature-based solutions as restoration of marine ecosystems and their mutual and potential benefits to biodiversity and society accounting as well as with climate mitigation and adaptation actions.

Fabrizio Frontalini

Associate Professor at the Department of Pure and Applied Sciences (DiSPeA), Urbino University, Italy. Main research activity, with more than 120 publications, focuses on recent benthic foraminifera as environmental bioindicators of pollution and as oceanographic, environmental, and climatological proxies. Recent research has been devoted to laboratory experiments to better calibrate the application of benthic foraminifera in pollution biomonitoring by using standard and molecular ecology analyses. His work has been recognized with the “Maria Umberta Corrado Delmonte” by the Italian Society of Protistologists, the “Alan Higgins Award” by The Micropaleontological Society, and the “Giorgio Dal Piaz” by the Italian Geological Society. He was awarded the prestigious “Debut in Research Prize” ENI Award, and the Gold Medal, conferred by the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano in 2011. Member of the Board of Directors of the Micropaleontology Press Foundation, Flushing, New York. Since 2008, he has been the Scientific Co-Director of the International School on Foraminifera www.isf.tmsoc.org/

Francesc Maynou

Tenured researcher at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) since 2007, with the category “Scientific Researcher”, based at the Marine Science Institute, Barcelona, Spain. Scientific research interests focus on the structure, dynamics and conservation of marine living resources, with specific attention to higher trophic levels that are directly or indirectly affected by human activities in marine ecosystems. Since receiving the Ph.D. degree in 1995 in Marine Science at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, has participated in the production of 140 scientific contributions in indexed journals, as well as 10 contributions as book chapters and 21 publications in non-indexed journals. Has participated in numerous national and international research projects and supervised 8 Ph.D. theses. Served as scientific editor in the peer-reviewed journals Scientia Marina and Marine Biology Research.

Hans G. Dam

Professor at the University of Connecticut, Groton, Connecticut, USA. Biological oceanographer interested in plankton ecology and evolution. Current work focuses on copepod adaptation to warming and acidification, and reciprocal grazer-toxic prey interactions.

Hugo Sarmento

Professor at the Department of Hydrobiology of the Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil, and Head of the Laboratory of Microbial Processes and Biodiversity. His research area is aquatic microbial ecology, with emphasis on biotic interactions and the structure and function of planktonic communities in all compartments of the trophic network (viruses, bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton) in aquatic ecosystems.

Karen Diele

Professor of Marine Ecology at the School of Applied Sciences at Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland; aligned with MASTS – The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland. Focuses on conservation, restoration, and management of coastal ecosystems, on the life cycles and functional ecology of associated benthic marine invertebrates and their behavioural and physiological responses to environmental change. Ecosystems particularly interested in mangrove forests, seagrass meadows and biogenic reefs. Descriptive and experimental laboratory/field approach to answer fundamental biological and ecological questions and to deliver conservation, management, and livelihood solutions.

Leandro Ponsoni

Physical oceanographer and cryosphere and climate researcher, currently working at the Georges Lemaître Centre for Earth and Climate Research (TECLIM), Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Main research interests are the processes linked to ocean-ice-atmosphere interactions, and large- and mesoscale ocean circulation. In his current project (Sea Ice Linkage), supported by FNRS – Fonde de la Recherche Scientifique, Leandro is investigating the role of sea ice as a connector across scales between the wind- and density-driven ocean circulations. Broadly involved in multidisciplinary studies, for which his research contributes to the understanding of a broader picture.

Leticia Burone

Professor at the Oceanography and Marine Ecology Division, Universidad de la República, School of Science, Montevideo, Uruguay, since 2012. Researcher in the PEDECIBA (Basic Science Development Program). Research interests include the assessment of coastal and marine environments using marine bioindicators and physical and geo-chemical datasets. More recently has been focusing on sedimentological processes in the Southwestern Atlantic using a multiproxy approach. Currently Head of the Working Group ‘Marine Science and Technology’ (Cincytema; http://www.cincytema.com.uy).

Margit Wilhelm

Senior lecturer at the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, University of Namibia, Henties Bay, Namibia. Research interests include population dynamics of fisheery resources, and her recent work focuses on long-term trends in fisheries data in relation to climate change and fishing.

Nils Asp

Full Professor at UFPA where he has been working since 2005. Oceanographer graduated from FURG in 1996, a master's degree in Marine Geology (UFRGS – PPGGeo 1999), a PhD in Coastal Geology (University of Kiel/Germany 2004) and post-doctorates in Coastal Geomorphology (UNIVALI & WHOI/EUA 2006) and Oceanography (UW/EUA 2018). He is a CNPq Research Fellow, having published dozens of articles and book chapters, mostly in high-impact international journals. His research focuses mainly on sedimentary dynamics and coastal geomorphology, and on the genesis and evolution of environments on the continental margin, especially in the region of the mouth of the Amazon River. At his University UFPA, Nils E. Asp is part of the Postgraduate Programs in Environmental Biology (PPBA), Geology and Geochemistry (PPGG) and Oceanography (PPGOC), having supervised dozens of postgraduate students. Presently focuses on education of junior fellows of the Fisheries Biology Laboratory. Has been working in the fields of Fisheries Biology and Oceanography. Current major research themes include biological mechanisms behind climate impacts on population dynamics of small pelagic fish, growth and survival dynamics during the early life stages of fish, and density-dependent and density-independent processes in the life history of fish.

Petra Lenz

Petra Lenz received her B.A. degree in Biology from the University of California San Diego in 1976 and her Ph.D. in Biological Sciences from the University of California Santa Barbara in 1983. While at UCSB, she returned to her native Brazil to work on a project investigating nutrient cycling in an Amazonian várzea lake. She joined the research faculty of the Pacific Biosciences Research Center at the University of Hawaii Manoa in 1990, where she started a career studying the physiological ecology of planktonic organisms. Her early work included the first quantitative measurements of sensitivity of copepod mechanoreceptors and the discovery of myelin in some but not all copepods. More recently, she has explored the world of ‘omics for non-model species, generating molecular resources for marine copepods. Motivated by global climate change and documented changes to zooplankton distributions, she is using environmental transcriptomics to understand acclimatization and life-history adaptations in sub-arctic copepods.


Managing Editors


Arthur Ziggiatti Güth

Biologist at the Oceanographic Institute - University of São Paulo (IOUSP), São Paulo, Brazil. Works with benthic ecology, from rocky shore ecology, benthic communities and crustacean taxonomy to marine habitat mapping, coral reef ecology, and deep-sea research. Lately has been involved with research using autonomous oceanographic fixed structures (landers) and surveys using remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).




Cássia Oliveira
Cássia Oliveira

Graduated in Social Communication with specialization in Editorial Production, her entire professional life has been dedicated to publications. Member of the Editorial Board of periodicals at the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, since 1986. First began at the Faculty of Education, University of São Paulo, with the Revista de Educação. In 1995, started working at the IOUSP, when Ocean and Coastal Research was known as the Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico (1952–1995), and has been serving the journal since then.


Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief


Laiza Cabral de Faria

Oceanographer and Master's degree in Coastal and Ocean Systems. Currently, a PhD candidate at the Oceanography Institute - University of São Paulo, Brazil. Interested in researching marine microbiology, microbial ecology, and ocean literacy. Currently studying the microbes inhabiting the Southern Ocean.




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