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Ocean Coast. Res., Volume 72, 2024 |
· Neotectonic control of shelf valley formation on the southern Pernambuco continental shelf - Brazil Tassinari, Luis Felipe de Melo; Araújo, Tereza Cristina Medeiros de; Barbosa, José Antônio |
· Declining population of giant clams (Cardiidae:Tridacninae) in Palawan, Philippines Dolorosa, Roger G.; Mecha, Niño Jess Mar F.; Bano, Jemima D.; Ecube, Krizia Meryl A.; Villanueva, Elmer G.; Cabaitan, Patrick C. |
· Biogenic composition of calcium carbonate over the past 140,000 years: clues from a marine core in the Santos Basin Tomazella, Mariana Oliva; Pedrão, Guilherme Augusto; Quadros, Juliana Pereira; Toledo, Felipe Antonio de Lima; Costa, Karen Badaraco |
· Subtidal benthic marine litter off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Araújo, Fábio Vieira de; Videla, Eduardo da Silva; Masi, Bruno Pereira; Silva, André Luiz Carvalho da |
· Seaweed blooms in paradise: Ecological reflexivity, governance and the Sargassum crisis in the Mexican Caribbean Durand, Leticia; Sundberg, Juanita; Rodríguez-Martínez, Rosa E. |
· Beachrocks of the northeast of Brazil: local effects of sea level fluctuations in a far-field during in Holocene Ferreira Júnior, Antonio V.; Stattegger, Karl; Camargo, João M. R.; Araújo, Tereza C. M. de |
· Feeding habits of the South Pacific hake, Merluccius gayi, in Ecuador, Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean Hernández-Téllez, Ana R.; Cajas-Flores, Jacqueline M.; Ordiano-Flores, Alfredo; Calle-Morán, Marcos D.; Bucheli-Quiñonez, Robert J. |
· Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum fluitans Mendonça, Inara R. W.; Theirlynck, Tom; Zettler, Erik R.; Amaral-Zettler, Linda A.; Oliveira, Mariana Cabral |
· Evaluation of the potential for greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4) emissions in the southern São Paulo coastal region, Cananéia-Iguape system Araujo, Elaine C.; Correa, Thais; Andrade, Izabel da S.; Macedo, Fernanda de M.; Marques, Marcia T.; Andrade, Thais; Souto-Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo; Braga, Elisabete S.; Andrade, Maria de F.; Landulfo, Eduardo |
· Descriptive and spatial analysis of bycatch in tuna purse-seine fishery in the colombian Pacific Ocean, with an elasmobranch approach Puentes, Vladimir; Barragán-Barrera, Dalia C.; Amaral, Karina Bohrer Do; Escobar, Fabian D.; Zapata, Luis A.; Zambrano, Emiliano; Barreto, Carlos G.; Tavera, José; Polo, Carlos J.; Altamar, Jairo; Moreno, Angelica S.; Benavides, Iván F. |
· Exploring ecoacoustic indices in response to soundscapes in a marine protected area exposed to coastal upwelling Minello, Murilo; Calado, Leandro; Melo-Júnior, Ubirajara Gonçalves de; Xavier, Fabio C. |
· Assessment of the ingestion of anthropogenic debris by green turtles along the south-central coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Gomes, Beatriz Guimarães; Guimarães, Suzana Machado; Tagliolatto, Alícia Bertoloto; Reis, Estéfane Cardinot; Masi, Bruno Pereira; Araújo, Fábio Vieira de. |
· The climatology and classification of coastal storms on the Southeastern coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil Klumb-Oliveira, Leonardo |
· Contributions of rising mean river level of the Río de la Plata estuary on recorded changes in positive storm surges Azkue, M. Florencia de; D’Onofrio, Enrique E. |
· Density and spatial distribution of migratory shorebirds in different foraging habitats in the coastal region of Piauí State, Brazil Siqueira, Airton Janes da Silva; Nascimento, Muryllo dos Santos; Damasceno, João Paulo Tavares; Góes, João Marcos; Gomes, Brena Lins; Paula Filho, Francisco José de; Guzzi, Anderson |
· Changes and challenges in artisanal fishery: unpacking the impact of a mining waste disaster Jankowsky, MayraMendonça, Jocemar TomasinoFreitas, Rodrigo Randow de |
· Marine litter as a vector for fouling species in Iceland Solloway, Holly A. I.; Micael, Joana; Gíslason, Sindri |
· Identifying the origins of nanoplastics in the abyssal South Atlantic using backtracking Lagrangian simulations with fragmentation Pierard, Claudio M.; Meirer, Florian; Sebille, Erik van |
· The impact of functional selectivity by fisheries on the fish fauna of Abrolhos Bank Zapelini, Cleverson; Hackradt, Fabiana Cézar Félix; Hackradt, Carlos Werner; Schiavetti, Alexandre |
· Analysis of self-reported discard information in Uruguayan industrial trawl fisheries Orlando, Luis; García, Daniel |
· Distributional limits of the Shortnose Guitarfish, Zapteryx brevirostris (Rhinopristiformes: Trygonorrhinidae) - An update |
· Marine litter on Atlantic Ocean sandy beaches: Current state of knowledge by scientometric analysis and proposal for discussion of amelioration by coastal management Póvoa, Alain Alves; Souza, Luiza Reis de; Henud, Igor Rodrigues; De-la-Torre, Gabriel Enrique; Soares-Gomes, Abilio |
· Distribution of total suspended solids and dynamics of the estuarine turbidity maximum in the Ipojuca River estuary Lins, Sayonara Medeiros, Carmen Freitas, Issac |
· Reproductive success of the South American Tern, Sterna hirundinacea Lesson, 1831 (Aves: Laridae), at an artificial site in the coast of São Paulo state, Brazil Fonseca, Léo C. M. Barbieri, Edison |
· The use of Passive Acoustic Monitoring as an auxiliary tool for monitoring Marine Protected Areas Mariani, Ana Clara B. Godoy, Silvia N. Santos, Marcos César de O. |
· Abundance and distribution of solid waste and microplastics in southeastern Brazilian islands: a comprehensive analysis Imsaurriaga, Caroline Souza de Andrade Póvoa, Alain Alves Derviche, Patrick Gomes, Beatriz Guimarães Castro, Rebeca Oliveira Araújo, Fábio Vieira de |
· Conservative behavior of δ13C values of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine-lagoon complex (southeastern Brazil) Millo, Christian Kujawski, Rita Stasevskas Sousa, Silvia Helena de Mello e Grizon, Anna Oudin, Elisa Berbel, Gláucia Bueno Benedetti Bertrand, Guillaume Chiozzini, Vitor Gonsalez Braga, Elisabete de Santis |
· Phenotypic variation of Thenus spp. (Decapoda, Scyllaridae) in the waters of southern Thailand and Malaysia using multivariate morphometric analysis Radzi, Ihsan Hani Chen, Cheng-Ann Hajisamae, Sukree Soe, Kay Khine |
· Community and species-specific responses of coastal birds to COVID-19 “anthropause” in the largest hypersaline lagoon of South America Rangel, Danilo Freitas; Costa, Leonardo Lopes; Castro, Ítalo de Braga |
· A report on new sponge-ophiuroid associations and reinforcement of scientific knowledge Oliveira, Mariany; Silva, Maiara Queiroz Monteiro da; Barroso, Cristiane Xerez; Salani, Sula; Matthews-Cascon, Helena |
· Length-weight and length-length relationships of 16 marine fish species in Vietnam Nguyen, Khanh Quoc |
· First record of the potential invasive crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) in the Uruguayan coast Machado, Irene; Pasquariello, Soledad; Vieira, Rony; Calliari, Danilo; Rodríguez-Gallego, Lorena |
· Water temperature modulation to prevent the South American rock mussel (Perna perna) from spawning during depuration Suplicy, Felipe Matarazzo; Souza, Robson V. de; Tribuzi, Giustino |
· Length-weight relationship of 104 demersal fish species from the continental shelf of the South Brazilian Bight captured in bottom trawl shrimp nets Melo, Gabriel Domingues de; Spach, Henry Louis; Adelir-Alves, Johnatas; Pinheiro, Pedro Carlos; Soeth, Marcelo |
· Squids caught by shrimp trawlers off the coast of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil Freire, Kátia Meirelles Felizola; Reis-Júnior, Josafá; Santos, Roberta Aguiar |
· An erroneous record of Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) for the northeastern coast of Brazil, Southwestern Atlantic Arruda, Eliane Pintor de; Regis, Laís Belmino; Oliveira, Mariany; Matthews-Cascon, Helena; Barroso, Cristiane Xerez |
· Guiana dolphin movements across three decades between Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays in southeastern Brazil Anibolete, Daniel; Maricato, Guilherme; Maciel, Israel; Tardin, Rodrigo |
· Aggregative behavior of blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) following a fishing boat in the southwestern tropical Atlantic Ocean Silva, Guelson Batista da Araújo, Paulo Victor do Nascimento |
· Historical shipwrecks in international waters contributes to coastal pollution Bezerra, Luis Ernesto Arruda; Teixeira, Carlos Eduardo Peres; Sampaio, Claudio L. S.; Cavalcante, Rivelino Martins; Soares, Marcelo de Oliveira |
· Spatiotemporal analysis of mangrove vegetation in a protected area using spectral indices Cidreira-Neto, Ivo Raposo Gonçalves Bezerra e Queiroz, Vinícius D’Lucas Candeias, Ana Lúcia Bezerra Guilherme, Betânia Cristina Rodrigues, Gilberto Gonçalves |
· Mating sanctuary for whitespotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) in Brazilian southeastern waters Karlovic, Thamíris C. Longo, Gabriela R. Lopes, Arielly R. Amaral, Iara L. Yoshino, Yara A. Almeida, Amanda A. V. Andrade, Lucas S. Bedin, Felipe G. Abreu, Marcos T. de Chioatto, Francesco S. M. Kian, Carolina Y. Candido, Lucas C. Silva, Joyce M. Moreira, Priscila S. Dias, June F. |
· White Shark or Shortfin Mako? Lamnid sharks identification in an overlapping area of the Equatorial Southwestern Atlantic Gonçalves-Neto, José Belquior Lima, Camila de França Jucá-Queiroz, Bruno Freitas, João Eduardo Pereira de Charvet, Patricia Faria, Vicente Vieira |
· Human-wildlife conflict between Neotropic cormorant and artisanal fisheries induces dubious management policies in southern Brazil Pimenta, Victor Ribeiro Alvares; Rodrigues Filho, Jorge Luiz; Ataides, Jordana Sampaio; Branco, Joaquim Olinto |
· Evidence of magnetite reduction and primary magnetization destruction during early diagenesis in sediments from Maldives Inner Sea Carrasqueira, Igor Gustavo da Fonseca; Lanci, Luca; Jovane, Luigi |
· Insights into the flow characteristics of tsunami bores and surges: a case study of Malaysian Coastline Moon, Wei Chek; Lau, Tze Liang; Puay, How Tion |
· Indonesia Cable-Based Tsunameter (InaCBT): Tsunami detection and identification on other seismic wave signals Pandoe, Wahyu W. Purwoadi, Michael A. Qonita, Zulfa Rusdiansyah, Alfi Suwarjono, Aris |
· Exploring local and species contributions to beta diversity in a bay fish community: A baseline assessment of the Ubatumirim Bay Costa, João Henrique Alliprandini da; Martins, Itamar A.; Cetra, Mauricio; Ferreira, Fabio Cop; Souza, Ursulla Pereira |
· Personal care products and biomarkers of detoxification and oxidative stress in bivalves: A systematic review of laboratory studies Martins, Adrielle Beatrice do Ó Albergaria-Barbosa, Ana Cecília Rizzatti de Combi, Tatiane |
Ocean Coast. Res., Volume 72 (suppl.1), 2024 |
Special Article Collection:
"An ocean of science, worms, and humaneness: a tribute to Paulo Lana" Editors: Maikon Di Domenico, José Milton Andriguetto-Filho and Rubens M. Lopes |
· An ocean of science, worms, and humaneness: a tribute to Paulo Lana Di Domenico, Maikon Andriguetto-Filho, José Milton Lopes, Rubens M. |
· An analysis of meiofauna knowledge generated by Latin American researchers Baldeija, Bernardo; Lercari, Diego |
· Trait-based approaches to address animal-soft sediment relationships in marine ecosystem: a mini review Gimenez, Barbara C. G. Gusmao, Joao B. Petsch, Danielle Katharine Fernandes, Felipe Jacob Lana†, Paulo C. |
· Intraspecific facilitation of the recruitment of a burrowing mangrove crab species along an environmental gradient Schmidt, Anders Jensen; Diele, Karen |
· A new species of Loimia (Annelida, Terebellidae) from Papua New Guinea, with comments on other species recorded in the region Hutchings, Pat; Daffe, Guillemine; Flaxman, Beth; Rouse, Greg W.; Lavesque, Nicolas |
· Two-year survey of Alitta succinea (Annelida: Nereididae) in fouling communities with notes on morphology and reproduction Hannon, Mary Colleen; Schulze, Anja |
· Harmful algae in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, Brazil: a spatio-temporal assessment Mafra Jr., Luiz Laureno; Escobar, Bruno Pimenta; Fernanda Sobrinho, Bruna |
· Oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in Scolelepis goodbodyi (Polychaeta, Spionidae) after an experimental oil spill in a dissipative sandy beach Ozorio, Carla Penna; Guiloski, Izonete C.; Silva de Assis, Helena C.; Martins, César C.; Sandrini-Neto, Leonardo; Lana, Paulo C. |
· A drone diagnosis of the environmental quality of the restinga on the south coast of Brazil Silva, Cesar Aparecido da; Prandini, Matheus Kopp; Correa, Alan D’Oliveira |
· New species of Sphaerosyllis Claparède, 1863 (Annelida: Syllidae: Exogoninae) from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Ogawa, Namy; Mendes, Samuel Lucas da Silva Delgado; Siqueira, Gabriela; Rizzo, Alexandra |
· How is copepod functional diversity shaped by 2015-2016 El Niño and seasonal water masses in a coastal ecosystem of Southwest Atlantic? Menezes, Bárbara Santos; Becker, Érica Caroline; Agnelli, Flora Balcão; Macedo-Soares, Luis Carlos Pinto de; Dias, Cristina de Oliveira; Freire, Andrea Santarosa |
· Sediment transport trend in an erosive sandy beach: the case of Matinhos Beach, south coast of Brazil Luersen, David M.; Lopes, Alexandre B.; Franz, Guilherme. A. S.; Mildemberger, Danilo; Noernberg, Mauricio A. |
· Is Namalycastis abiuma (Grube, 1871) (Annelida: Nereididae) restricted to its type-locality? Evidence from morphological and molecular data Alves, Paulo Ricardo; Glasby, Christopher J.; Paiva, Paulo Cesar; Santos, Cinthya Simone Gomes |
· New perspectives for the Annelida collection (National Museum/UFRJ) database: using data visualization to analyze and manage biological collections Messias, Camila Simões Martins de Aguiar; Fonseca, Carlos Cesar de Oliveira; Santos, Monique Cristina dos; Sá, Asla M.; Zanol, Joana |
· The effect of extreme climatic events on littorinid snails in two estuarine environments, temperate (NW Spain) and tropical (NE Brazil) Maia, Rafaela Camargo; Troncoso, Jesus Souza |
· Polychaete research in Brazil: a bibliometric analysis Nascimento, Rodolfo Leandro; Mendes, Samuel; Vital, Marcos V. C.; Paiva, Paulo Cesar |
· Polychaetes (Annelida) from Sepetiba Bay (Brazil): an update on species occurrences Álvarez, Ricardo; Rodrigues, Andrielle Raposo; Rebello, João Gabriel; Miranda, Vinícius da Rocha; Brasil, Ana Claudia dos Santos |
· Ecological review of the Syllidae (Annelida) associated with sponges (Porifera), including the description of a new species from northeastern Brazil Lira, Anny Laura de Oliveira; Craveiro, Nykon; Paresque, Karla; Fukuda, Marcelo Veronesi; Rosa Filho, José Souto |
· Participative governance quality over marine spaces: challenges for estuarine socioecological resilience at the Paranaguá Bay Zone Telles, Daniel Hauer Queiroz; Pinotti, Lígia Carolina Alcântara |
· Aquatic avifauna in a subtropical estuarine system, a World Heritage site (Paraná, southern Brazil) Miotto, Maiara Larissa; Domit, Camila; Melo, Gabriel Domingues de; Domenico, Maikon Di |
· Determination of organic contamination levels by the ABC Method (Abundance/Biomass Curves) in intertidal estuarine flats using hierarchical design Baudisch, Steffany Katherine; Brauko, Kalina Manabe; Lana, Paulo da Cunha |
· In the footsteps of Prof. Ernst Marcus: redescription and lectotypes/paralectotypes designations of Aeolosoma species (Annelida, Aeolosomatidae) from original material Simioni, Nathan Drumov Gonçalves; Garraffoni, André Rinaldo Senna |
· Navigation buoys as stepping-stones for invasive species |
· Macrofauna from the sandy shore of the Johnny Cay Regional Natural Park, San Andrés and Providencia, biosphere reserve, Colombian Caribbean region |
· An annotated checklist of Hesionidae Grube, 1850 (Annelida: Errantia) from Brazil with a key to the genera Marques, Victor Hugo; Freitas, Roberta; Ruta, Christine |
· Aberranta magnumlanai n. sp. (Annelida: Aberrantidae) a new species from Brazil and first occurrence of the genus in the Southern Hemisphere Santos, Cinthya S. G.; Rizzo, Alexandra E. |
· Review of Polydora species from Brazil, with identification key and description of two new species (Annelida: Spionidae) Radashevsky, Vasily I. |
· An overview of the occurrences of Exogone (Annelida, Syllidae) in Brazil, with the description of a new species Fukuda, Marcelo V. Ribeiro, William M. G. Rossi, Raphaela H. C. Nogueira, João M. M. |
· Lumbrineris lanai n. sp., a new species of polychaete (Annelida: Eunicida: Lumbrineridae) from the Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernandez Archipelago, off the coast of Chile |
· Regeneration patterns in Naineris aurantiaca (Muller, 1858) (Annelida, Orbiniidae) Alvarez, Ricardo Pires, Estela Valerio, Giovanna Domenico, Maikon Di |
· Mapping and sharing scientific polychaete collections in Brazil: challenges for the Ocean Decade Petti, Mônica A. V. Paiva, Paulo C. Steiner, Tatiana M. Messias, Camila S. M. A. Fukuda, Marcelo V. Zanol, Joana Bromberg, Sandra Amaral, A. Cecília Z. |
· First report of plastic biomedia contamination in Brazilian beaches - evidence from the Paraná coast Nagai, Renata Hanae; Mesquita, Yan Weber; Alvarenga, Aislyn; Massignani, Cecília C.V.N.; Nascimento, Ana Barbara T. |
· Reproductive cycle of Crassostrea gasar cultivated in three different locations at the Estuarine Complex of Paranaguá (PR) Afonso, Taís Serpa; Araújo, Evelyn Zenira de; Sühnel, Simone; Petersen, Rodolfo Luis; Lagreze-Squella, Francisco José |
· Direct hydrodynamic measurements at the upper shoreface of a sandy beach in Paraná - Brazil Noernberg, Mauricio A.; Rodrido, Pedro A. |
· Challenges and responses to sea level rise in the context of climate change: A case study of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex Silva, Robert; Noernberg, Mauricio; Lopes, Alexandre |
Previously published volumes:
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.71 2023 (suppl. 3) Open or Close
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.71 2023 (suppl. 2) Open or Close
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.71 2023 (suppl. 1) Open or Close
Special Article Collection:
Environmental characteristics and anthropogenic disturbances in marine Ramsar sites:
the Cananéia-Iguape-Peruibe Marine Protected Area, Southern BrazilEditors: Elisabete de Santis Braga, Juliana de Souza Azevedo, Joseph Harari & Carmen Gonsalez Castro
Original Article · Migrant birds present on Ilha Comprida, southern coast of the State of São Paulo
Barbieri, Edison; Esparza, Karina Anahi Ávila
· Anaerobic carbon oxidation in sediment of two Brazilian mangrove forests: the influence of tree roots and crab burrows
Kristensen, Erik; Valdemarsen, Thomas; Moraes, Paula C. de; Güth, Arthur Z.; Sumida, Paulo Y. G.; Quintana, Cintia O.
· Sinking particles in the photic zone: relations with biogeochemical properties in different sectors of the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon Complex (CIELC)-Brazil
Sutti, Bruno O.; Chiozzini, Vitor G.; Castro, Carmen G.; Braga, Elisabete S.
· Anthropogenic influence on silicon behavior in an estuary member of the Biosphere Reserve in Southeastern Brazil
Bastos, Ana Teresa C. C.; Braga, Elisabete S.
· Benthic aerobic respiration and nutrient fluxes in Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon complex along a salinity gradient
Moraes, Paula C.; Sutti, Bruno O.; Chiozzini, Vitor G.; Braga, Elisabete S.
· Morphometric analysis of lapillus otoliths in two estuarine bioindicator catfish (Siluriformes, Ariidae) from a marine protected area in Brazil
Morais, Igor; Braga, Elisabete; Azevedo, Juliana
· Rare Earth Elements abundance, fractionation, and anomalies in the sediments of the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon Complex in Brazil
Chiozzini, Vitor G.; Fávaro, Deborah I. T.; Braga, Elisabete S.
Brief Communication · Multi-indicators of environmental pollution in the Olaria system, Cananéia, São Paulo (SP), Brazil
Silva, Gisele Luiz da; Chiozzini, Vitor Gonsalez; Braga, Elisabete de Santis; Azevedo, Juliana de Souza
· Analysis of the 90º and 150º angles for increment counting in otoliths of estuarine catfish
Morais, Igor Souza de; Azevedo, Juliana de Souza
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.71 2023 Open or Close
Review · Scientific diving in Brazil: history, present and perspectives
Leite, Tatiana S.; Pinheiro, Igor E.; Berchez, Flávio; Bertoncini, Áthila A.; Cima, Oswaldo M. Del; Demetrescu, Irene E.; Francini-Filho, Ronaldo B.; Kikuchi, Ruy K.P; Machado, Arthur A.; Maia-Nogueira, Rodrigo; Martins, Flavio L.; Mendes, Liana F.; Rambelli, Gilson; Sampaio, Claudio L.S.; Segal, Barbara; Aguiar, Aline A.; Auler, Augusto S.; Barroco-Neto, José; Bonaldo, Roberta M.; Buchmann, Francisco S.; Calippo, Flavio; Cesar, Augusto; Gama, Matheus A.C.; Ghilardi-Lopes, Natalia; Leão, Zelinda M.A.N.; Lessa, Guilherme C.; Menegola, Carla; Pinheiro, Hudson T.; Rocha, Luiz A.; Sabino, José; Seoane, José C.S.; Sestokas, Julia; Tiago, Cláudio C.; Wegner, Ewerton; Lotufo, Tito
· Trends in elasmobranch feeding ecology studies
Bornatowski, Hugo; Hayata, Maiara A.; Freitas, Renato H. A.
Original Article · Feeding ecology of Brevoortia aurea larvae (Clupeidae, Alosinae) from Río de la Plata estuary off Uruguay
Rodríguez-Graña, Laura; Calliari, Danilo; Cervetto, Guillermo
· Phosphorus spatial distribution and mass balance in the Itaipu lagoon (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Lobo, Marcelo; Loureiro, Daniel; Nepomuceno, Aguinaldo; Alves, Leandro; Lamego, Fernando
· How is the ocean represented in school textbooks in Chile? An analysis of curricular content and images of marine fauna
Christie, Carla; Cárcamo-Ulloa, Luis
· Spatio-temporal distribution of the swordfish Xiphias gladius (Linnaeus, 1758) caught by the Brazilian longline fleet
Lima, Antônia Duciene Feitosa; Hazin, Humberto Gomes; Silva, Guelson Batista da; Bezerra, Marcelo Augusto
· Characteristics of integrated mangrove-shrimp farming systems in Ben Tre Province, Vietnam: preliminary findings for organic shrimp production certification
Thao, Huynh Van; Cong, Nguyen Van
· On the trophic role of pelagic fishes and fishery landings shifts in the South Brazil Bight
Olher, Julia Petroski; Gasalla, Maria A.
· Influence of Tokar Gap wind jet on latent heat flux of Central Red Sea: empirical orthogonal function approach
Turki, Jamaan A.; Al-Subh, Abdullah M.; Madah, Fawaz
· New data on abundance of lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris (Poey, 1868) at Lama Bay, Rocas Atoll, Brazil
Corrêa, Ana Laura Tribst; Véras, Dráusio Pinheiro; Dias, June Ferraz· Cotton buds: The new villain of the marine litter story in the coastal lagoon
Akarsu, Ceyhun
· Specific alkaline phosphatase activity as an indicator of phosphorus status in the plankton community of a highly stratified oligotrophic Ombla Estuary
Hrustić, Enis; Ljubimir, Stijepo; Bobanović-Ćolić, Svjetlana; Ivančić, Ingrid
Brief Communication · Abundance of the bearded fireworm Hermodice carunculata (Polychaeta: Amphinomidae) increases across a euphotic-mesophotic depth gradient in the remote St. Peter and St. Paul’s Archipelago
Rosa, Marcos Rogerio; Santana, Erika Flávia Crispim de; Farias, Gabriel Malta De; Sumida, Paulo Yukio Gomes; Francini Filho, Ronaldo Bastos
· Obtaining surface current field from drone imaging
Macedo, Flavia; Schettini, Carlos Augusto; Arigony-Neto, Jorge· First report on the distribution of Aegiceras corniculatum (L.) Blanco (Primulaceae) from the Nicobar archipelago, India
Thirumurugan, Vedagiri; Singh, Anoop Raj; Gnanasekaran, G.; Prabakaran, NehruCollective Positioning · Towards a distributed and operational pelagic imaging network
Kiko, Rainer; Lopes, Rubens M.; Soviadan, Y. Dodji; Stemmann, LarsCase Report · Short-term dynamics of a high energy embayed beach: Stanwell Park, NSW, Australia
Asselot, Rémy; Brander, Robert W.
· Deep sea ecosystem exploration and ‘health check’: sampling strategy and methods applied during the iAtlantic_BR10_Petrobras cruise in the Santos Basin, Southwest Atlantic
Perez, Jose Angel A.; Barros Neto, Halésio M.C. de; Arantes, Renata C.M.; Gaurisas, Daniela Y.; Silva, Camila F.; Alves, Fernanda Maria M.; Costa, Júlia A.; Eloi, Paula D.C.; Fonseca, Thayse S.; Gavazzoni, Lucas; Lonskis, Isabella da S.; Nardi, Ricardo U.; Nascimento, Pedro O.; Rodrigues, João Vitor M.; Santos, Ana Lara F. dos; Santos, Edson C. dos; Schroeder, Rafael; Silva, Luis Carlos da; Souza, Fernanda dos S.S. de; Bernardino, Ângelo F.; Cavalcanti, Guarani H.; Lindner, Alberto; Mahiques, Michel M. de; Millo, Christian; Reis, Priscila; Sweetman, Andrew K.; Roberts, J. Murray
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.70 2022 (suppl. 2) Open or Close
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.70 2022 (suppl. 1) Open or Close
Special Article Collection:
Advances in Physical Oceanography honoring Prof. A. S. Mascarenhas Jr.
Editors: Curtis A. Collins, Rubén Castro & Ilson C. A. Silveira
Editorial · Introduction to advances in physical oceanography: a tribute to Prof. Affonso da Silveira Mascarenhas, Jr. (1938-2017)
Collins, Curtis A.; Castro, Rubén; Silveira, Ilson C. A. da
Original Article · Ocean Energy, Fluxes and an Anti-Anti-Turbulence Conjecture
Dewar, WK; Deremble, B
· Topographic solitary waves and groups
Flierl, Glenn R.
· Observations of the exchange of ocean waters between the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of California
Collins, Curtis A.; Castro, Rubén
· The heat storage variability in the Brazil Current
Bou-Haya, Catherine B.; Sato, Olga T.
Brief Communication · Evidence of submesoscale coastal eddies inside Todos Santos Bay, Baja California, México
Navarro-Olache, Luis Felipe; Hernandez-Walls, Rafael; Castro, Ruben; Durazo, Reginaldo; Flores-Vidal, Xavier; Flores-Morales, Ana Laura; Martin-Atienza, Beatriz
Case Report · Implementation of a portable module for assessing the eutrophication risk: initial evaluation in the upwelling-driven bay of Ria de Arousa (NW-Iberian Peninsula)
Pardo, Paula C.; Bastero, Susana F.; Moreno, Laura; Castro, Carmen G.
Methods · Temporally Varying Mesoscale Eddy Characteristics in the California Current System Identified from RAFOS Floats
Chu, Peter C; Fan, Chenwu
A vertical-mode extrapolation scheme applied to the Brazil Current domain: quasi-synoptic scenarios
Amorim, João P. M.; Silveira, Ilson C. A. da; Borges-Silva, Milton; Souza-Neto, Pedro W. M.; Belo, Wellington C.; Lazaneo, Cauê Z.; Bernardo, Piero S.; Dottori, Marcelo; Martins, Renato P.; Moreira, Daniel L.
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.70 2022 Open or Close
Original Article · Seasonal variation of estuarine birds from Trapandé Bay, Cananéia, Brazil
Roselli, Larissa Yoshida; Barbieri, Edison
· The mysterious oil spill in the northeastern coast of Brazil: tracking offshore seawater and the need for improved vessel facilities
Carreira, Renato S; Zanardi-Lamardo, Eliete; Massone, Carlos G; Araujo, Moacyr; Nobre, Paulo; Yogui, Gilvan T
· Trophic analysis of female mangrove crabs at two sites from Southeastern Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)
Almeida, Eduardo Vianna de; Kütter, Vinicius Tavares; Silva-Filho, Emmanoel Vieira
· Diversity of benthic fauna of rhodoliths and sediments deposited on sandstone reefs in Southeast Brazil
Neves, Sabrina Brahim; Costa, Karla Gonçalves
· Short Period Baited Remote Underwater Video as a cost-benefit tool to evaluate effectiveness of Marine No-take Zones
Tomasi, Marcos F; Waters, Linda G; Cruz, Igor C. S; Güth, Arthur Z; Turra, Alexander
· Recreational angling and related conflicts in a disturbed estuarine environment of the Southwest Atlantic
Belruss, Carlos Gonçalves; Tutui, Sergio Luis dos Santos; Tomás, Acácio Ribeiro Gomes
· Population structure of the seahorse Hippocampus reidi in two Brazilian estuaries
Carmo, Tatiane Fernández do; Santos, Luciano Neves dos; Bertoncini, Áthila Andrade; Freret-Meurer, Natalie Villar
· Effect of iron speciation on growth and heat resistance of Symbiodiniaceae
Romero, Jose Miguel Diaz; Botana, Marina Tonetti; Elias, Aline de Carvalho; Nomura, Cassiana Seimi; Saldanha-Corrêa, Flávia; Espósito, Breno Pannia
· Conversion factor for size structure reconstruction and growth of Lophius gastrophysus Miranda Ribeiro, 1915 catches in the South Atlantic Ocean
Silva, Arthur Tavares da; Tubino, Rafael de Almeida; Martins, Raquel Rennó Mascarenhas; Monteiro-Neto, Cassiano; Costa, Marcus Rodrigues da
· Assessment of water quality with emphasis on trophic status in bathing areas from the central-southern coast of Cuba
Losa, Mabel Seisdedo; González, Angel R. Moreira; Hurtado, Diamela Carles
· Continental influence on the fertilization of marine waters during the late quaternary in the south of the Brazilian continental margin
Bottezini, Silvia Regina; Diniz, Débora; Ávila, Andréia Souza Pereira de; Leonhardt, Adriana
· Spreading and accumulation of river-borne sediments in the coastal ocean after the environmental disaster at the Doce River in Brazil
Lemos, Angelo T.; Osadchiev, Alexander; Mazzini, Piero L. F.; Mill, Guilherme N.; Fonseca, Sabrina A. R.; Ghisolfi, Renato D.
· Environmental factors associated with southern brown shrimp (Penaeus subtilis) yield at Brazilian Amazon coast
Aragão, José Augusto Negreiros; Cintra, Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto; Silva, Kátia Cristina De Araújo; Martins, Déborah Elena Galvão; Petrere Junior, Miguel
· Wave climate and extremes on a mesotidal atoll lagoon
Costa, Mirella B.; Siegle, Eduardo
· Assessment of the trophic status in a tropical estuarine system
Silva, Brenno Januario da; Lima, Cinthya Arruda de; Melo, Paulo Wanderley de; Malinconico, Nicole; Gaspar, Felipe Lima; Araújo, Maria Elisabeth de; Montes, Manuel de Jesus Flores
· Seasonal factors affecting sea turtle nesting in the Southeastern Caribbean Sea (Gulf of Paria, Venezuela)
Balladares, Clemente; Rueda-Roa, Digna; Rodríguez, Diego; Muller-Karger, Frank; Barrios-Garrido, Héctor
· Wave climate trends and breakpoints during the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) in southern Brazil
Maia, Natan Zambroni; Almeida, Luis Pedro; Emmendorfer, Leonardo; Nicolodi, João Luiz; Calliari, Lauro
· Scanning electron microscope analysis of Emiliania huxleyi samples revealed the presence of a single morphotype in the Dardanelles Strait, Turkey
Kocum, Esra
· Multi-scale temporal variation of marine femtoplankton and picophytoplankton: the role of size and environment
Reis, Carolina; Corte, Guilherme; Fernandes, Lohengrin
· Relative growth and morphometry of sagittae otoliths of weakfishes, Cynoscion guatucupa (Cuvier, 1830) and Cynoscion jamaicensis (Vaillant & Bocourt, 1883), in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Brazil
Mendonça, Pablo; Domingues, João Pedro de Mello; Bauer, Arthur de Barros; Fischer, Luciano Gomes; Costa, Marcus Rodrigues da
· Relative growth and morphometry of sagittae otoliths of weakfishes, Cynoscion guatucupa (Cuvier, 1830) and Cynoscion jamaicensis (Vaillant & Bocourt, 1883), in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, Brazil
Mendonça, Pablo; Domingues, João Pedro de Mello; Bauer, Arthur de Barros; Fischer, Luciano Gomes; Costa, Marcus Rodrigues da
· Impacts of the Red Sea and Persian Gulf on the Northern Indian Ocean in Numerical Simulations
Campos, Edmo J. D.; Gordon, Arnold L.; Cavalcante, Georgenes; Kjerfve, Björn; Abouleish, Mohamed
Brief Communication · Petroleum hydrocarbons in Brazilian Northeast continental shelf waters: baseline values
Zanardi-Lamardo, Eliete; Schettini, Carlos A.F
· First report on the occurrence of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. (Acanthaceae) in the Nicobar archipelago
Thirumurugan, Vedagiri; Singh, Anoop Raj; Prabakaran, Nehru
· Farming Pacific oysters using the spat-on-shell system in a shallow area in the subtropical coast of Brazil
Suplicy, Felipe Matarazzo; Souza, Robson Ventura de
· Potential control of invasive species of orange cup coral Tubastrea coccinea Lesson, 1829 using a synthetic natural compound
Costa, Rafaela dos Santos; Batista, Daniela; Batista, William Romão; Neves, Maria Helena Baeta; Lopes, Cláudio Cerqueira; Lopes, Rosangela Sabattini Capella; Braga, Esther Faria; Nascimento, Thiana Santiago; Dobretsov, Sergey; Coutinho, Ricardo
· Length-weight relationship of 22 fish species (Osteichthyes) from the surf zone caught by seine net on the northern coast of Pernambuco - Brazil
Andrade, Sidney; Dias, Victor; Bezerra, Natália; Santos, Lucas; Coutinho, Isa; Hazin, Fábio; Bayse, Shannon; Oliveira, Paulo
· Shark species identification from bite marks on a Short-finned Pilot Whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus
Leal, Mariana Leêne de Santana Barros; Carvalho, Vitor Luz; Pereira, Letícia Gonçalves; Queiroz, Beatriz; Castro, Andrey Leonardo Fagundes de; Charvet, Patricia; Faria, Vicente Vieira
· The January 15th, 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption recorded in Brazil
Dourado, Francisco; Filippo, Alessandro; Candella, Rogério; Souza, Lúcio Silva de; Urbano, Domingos; Evangelista, Heitor; Costa, Pedro
Case Report · Fuzzy Logic: adding natural uncertainties into environmental assessment
Gripp, Leonardo; Massone, Carlos German; Carreira, Renato da Silva; Wagener, Angela de Luca Rebello
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.69 2021 (suppl. 1) Open or Close
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.69 2021 Open or Close
· Microbial ecology of the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre: a state-of-the-art review of an understudied ocean region
Frazão, Luciana Rocha; Penninck, Silvana Batista; Michelazzo, Luan Sayeg; Moreno, Gelaysi; Guimarães, Claudia; Lopes, Rubens M; Signori, Camila Negrão
Original Articles
· Annual dynamics of benthic foraminiferal populations in the Tramandaí-Armazém Lagoon, southern Brazil
Martins, Eduarda Pacheco; Kochhann, Karlos Guilherme Diemer; Bergue, Cristianini Trescastro
· Active mechanisms controlling morphodynamics of a coastal barrier: Ilha Comprida, Brazil
Silva, Mayara Santana; Guedes, Carlos Conforti Ferreira; Silva, Gyrlene Aparecida Mendes da; Ribeiro, Gilberto Pessanha
· Phytoplankton community in a tropical estuarine gradient after an exceptional harmful bloom of Akashiwo sanguinea (Dinophyceae) in the Todos os Santos Bay
Affe, Helen Michelle de Jesus; Conceição, Lorena Pedreira; Rocha, Diogo Souza Bezerra; Proença, Luis Antônio de Oliveira; Nunes, José Marcos de Castro
· Evaluation of ocean chlorophyll-a remote sensing algorithms using in situ fluorescence data in Southern Brazilian Coastal Waters
Silva, Gabriel Serrato de Mendonça; Garcia, Carlos Alberto Eiras
· Population dynamics of Scomberomorus brasiliensis from a small-scale fishery off Southern Brazil
Chaves, Paulo de Tarso da Cunha; Birnfeld, Pollyana Olbera; Vaz-dos-Santos, André Martins
· The spread of the introduced ascidians Ciona robusta Hoshino & Tokioka, 1967 and Rhodosoma turcicum (Savigny, 1816) in the southwestern Atlantic
Barboza, Danielle Fernandes; Skinner, Luis Felipe
· Algal blooms and trophic state in a tropical estuary blocked by a dam (northeastern Brazil)
Sá, Ana Karoline Duarte dos Santos; Cutrim, Marco Valerio Jansen; Costa, Denise Santos; Cavalcanti, Lisana Furtado; Ferreira, Francinara Santos; Oliveira, Amanda Lorena Lima; Serejo, Jefferson Horlley Feitosa
· Response of Ocypode quadrata to storm waves on an urbanized sandy beach
Oliveira, Fernanda Ramos Fernandes de; Yokoyama, Leonardo Querobim
· Wave climate and power distribution around a rocky island: Alcatrazes, Brazil
Takase, Leonardo Silveira; Stein, Luiza Paschoal; Hoff, Natasha Travenisk; Siegle, Eduardo
· Phospholipid fatty acids from Colombian Caribbean sea sponges
Rodríguez, Wilson; Duque, Carmenza; Zea, Sven; Castellanos, Leonardo; Ramos, Freddy; Forero, Abel M.; Osorno, Oscar
· A preliminary assessment of larval fish assemblages on artificial reefs in the nearshore Southern Brazil
Alegretti, Cathrine Boerseth; Grande, Henrique; Namiki, Cláudia Akemi Pereira; Loose, Robin Hilbert; Brandini, Frederico Pereira
· Revisiting the derivation of bulk longshore sediment transport rates using meta-heuristic algorithms
Gholami, Zahra; Lari, Kamran; Bidokhti, Abbasali Aliakbari; Javid, AmirHosein
· Development of an empirical chart datum model for a region of the Southwest Atlantic Ocean
Azkue, María Florencia de; D’Onofrio, Enrique Eduardo; Banegas, Luciano
· Comparative hydrodynamics of a sub-tropical salt-wedge estuary and a tributary
Couceiro, Mariana Afonso Abade; Schettini, Carlos Augusto França
· Circulation and suspended sediment transport in a sediment starving ria: the Itapessoca
Oliveira Filho, José C. de; Schettini, Carlos A. F.; Silva, Ricardo F. da; Lima, Edmilson S. de; Domingues, Ernesto de C.
· Effects of the trawling industrial fishery system on fish community structure on the inner Amazon shelf
Lima, Wellington Matheus Gomes de; Pinaya, Walter Hugo Diaz; Lutz, Ítalo Antônio de Freitas; Nascimento, Mayra Sousa do; Silva, Lins Erik Oliveira da; Cintra, Israel Hidenburgo Aniceto; Bentes, Bianca
· Effect of polyaromatic hydrocarbons on cellular cytochrome P450 1A induction
Gaber, Marwa; Sequely, Amany Al; Monem, Nihad Abdel; Balbaa, Mahmoud
· Evaluation of South Atlantic Thermohaline Properties from BESM-OA2.5 and Three Additional Global Climate Models
Broggio, Micael Fernando; Garcia, Carlos Alberto Eiras; Silva, Renato Ramos da
· Richness and biomass distribution of the mangrove macroalgal association in a subtropical estuary
Mendonça, Inara Regina Wengratt; Lana, Paulo da Cunha
Brief Communications
· Predation of portunid crabs Callinectes sapidus and Callinectes ornatus (Crustacea, Decapoda) on the medusa Lychnorhiza lucerna (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa)
Vitória, Talles Lisboa; Silveira, Samanta; Nagata, Renato Mitsuo
· First record of Cirrholovenia polynema (Hydrozoa: Leptothecata) in the Western Atlantic Ocean
Tosetto, Everton Giachini; Neumann-Leitão, Sigrid; Bertrand, Arnaud; Nogueira Júnior, Miodeli
· Evaluation of MODIS-Aqua and OLCI Chlorophyll-a products in contrasting waters of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean
Delgado, Ana Laura; Pratolongo, Paula Daniela; Dogliotti, Ana Inés; Arena, Maximiliano; Celleri, Carla; Cardona, John Edison Garzón; Martinez, Ana
· Illicium use in Brazilian batfish Ogcocephalus vespertilio (Linnaeus, 1758) feeding behavior in nature and in captivity
Alves, Vivian Maria Pereira; Campos-da-Paz, Ricardo; Vianna, Marcelo
· Ingestion of macroplastics by common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) in the Atlantic Ocean
Costa, Eudriano F.S.; Dias, June Ferraz; Madureira, Lauro Antônio Saint Pastous
· Determination of sulfate in algal polysaccharide samples: a step-by-step protocol using microplate reader
Torres, Priscila Bezerra; Nagai, Alice; Jara, Carmen Eusebia Palacios; Santos, Janaína Pires; Chow, Fungyi; Santos, Déborah Yara Alves Cursino dos
· Lethal effect of lightstick contents on gray shrimps Litopenaeus vannamei
Cesar-Ribeiro, Caio
· First record of the non-native medusa Blackfordia virginica (Hydrozoa, Leptomedusae) on the coast of Uruguay, Southwestern Atlantic
Madalena, Victoria Mariel Vidal; Dutto, María Sofía; Baranzano, Irene Machado
Case Report
Insights on the non-linear solution of Munk's ocean circulation theory from a rotating tank experiment
Polito, Paulo S.; Sato, Olga T.; Napolitano, Dante C.; Simoes-Sousa, Iury T.; Almeida, Hélio; Lapolli, Fabrício R.
Ocean Coast. Res. vol.68 2020 Open or Close
Original Articles
· Small microplastics on beaches of Fernando de Noronha Island, Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Monteiro, Raqueline Cristina Pereira; Sul, Juliana Assunção Ivar do; Costa, Monica Ferreira
· Composition and spatiotemporal distribution of benthic macrofauna in a macrotidal estuary on the Amazonian Coast of the State of Maranhão, Brazil
Ferreira, Helen Roberta Silva; Castro, Antonio Carlos Leal de; Cutrim, Marco Valério Jansen; Oliveira, Verônica Maria de
· Composition and abundance of benthic microalgae from the Estuarine Complex of Paranaguá Bay (southern Brazil) with special emphasis on toxic species
Moreira-González, Angel Ramón; Brustolin, Marco Colossi; Mafra Junior, Luiz Laureno
· Influence of temperature and culture media on growth and lipolytic activity of deep-sea Halomonas sulfidaeris LAMA 838 and Marinobacter excellens LAMA 842
Delabary, Gabriela Scholante; Silva, Maria Carolina da; Silva, Cibele Silveira da; Baratieri, Letícia Zanatta; Melo, Thiago Meinicke de; Stramosk, Cesar Augusto; Lima, André Oliveira de Souza; Silva, Marcus Adonai Castro da
· Assessment of sea urchin spawning induction and oocyte conservation applied to ecotoxicological assays
Resgalla Jr., Charrid; Friedrichsen, Juliana Cristina; Souza, Rafael Camargo; Vieira, Danielle Cristina; Deucher, Karoliny; Silva, Marcus Adonai Castro da
· Sub-lethal predatory shell damage does not affect physiology under high CO2 in the intertidal gastropod Tritia reticulata
Yokoyama, Leonardo Querobim; Turra, Alexander; Suckling, Coleen; Torres, Gabriela; Davies, Andrew; McCarthy, Ian
· Estimates of suspended solid transport in the Pará River Estuary
Carneiro, Adriel Guimarães; Prestes, Yuri Onça; Rollnic, Marcelo
· A key to the identification of agglutinant and monothalamous foraminifera from Brazilian mangroves
Semensatto, Décio
· Understanding what is what in marine shrimp fisheries
Freire, Kátia Meirelles Felizola; Rosa, Leonardo Cruz da; Reis-Júnior, Josafá; Barreto, Thaíza Maria Rezende da Rocha
· Standardizing catch per unit effort by machine learning techniques in longline fisheries: a case study of bigeye tuna in the Atlantic Ocean
Yang, Shenglong; Dai, Yang; Fan, Wei; Shi, Huiming
· Tidal inlet migration and formation: the case of the Ararapira inlet - Brazil
Italiani, Diana; Siegle, Eduardo; Noernberg, Mauricio Almeida
· A widespread necrotizing disease affecting Palythoa caribaeorum (Duchassaing and Michelotti, 1860) on coastal reefs in northeastern Brazil
Costa-Sassi, Cristiane Francisca; Sassi, Roberto; Farias, Gabriel Malta de
· Size-fractionated chitin contribution to seston, with linkages to the copepod Acartia
Biancalana, Florencia; Berasategui, Anabela Anahi
· Sulfate reduction and alterability of sulfur species in sediments of an estuary with irregular hydrological regime
Mirlean, Nicolai; Bem, André Luiz de; Quintana, Guilherme Castro da Rosa; Costa, Larissa Pinheiro; Ferraz, Alexandre Henrique
· Benthic foraminifera and Neogene sea level changes in the Pelotas Basin, offshore south Brazil
Wilson, Brent; Coimbra, João C.; Hayek, Lee-Ann C.
· Aggregative capacity of experimental anchored Fish Aggregating Devices (aFADs) in Northeastern Brazil revealed through electronic tagging data
Véras, Luísa Queiroz; Capello, Manuela; Forget, Fabien; Tolotti, Mariana Travassos; Véras, Drausio Pinheiro; Dagorn, Laurent; Hazin, Fábio Hissa
· Wave regime characterization in the northern sector of Patos Lagoon, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Marinho, Chayonn; Arigony Neto, Jorge; Nicolodi, João Luiz; Lemke, Natália; Fontoura, José Antônio Scotti
· Population structure and physiological plasticity of Favia gravida with differences in terrestrial influence
Pereira, Cristiano M.; Calderon, Emiliano N.; Pires, Débora O.; Castro, Clovis B.
· Covariance localization in the ensemble transform Kalman filter based on an augmented ensemble
Wang, Jichao; Li, Jiacheng; Zang, Shaodong; Yang, Jungang; Wu, Guoli
· Contamination and toxicity in a subtropical Estuarine Protected Area influenced by former mining activities
Perina, Fernando Cesar; Abessa, Denis Moledo de Souza
Brief Communications
· Spatio-temporal dynamics of the nudibranch Doris kyolis living on the sponge Halichondria melanadocia
Ávila, Enrique; Cancino-Magaña, Yenny; Rodríguez-Santiago, María Amparo; Ballesteros, Manuel
· Relationships between portable chlorophyll meter estimates for the red mangrove tree (Rhizophora mangle L.)
Neres, Juliana; Dodonov, Pavel; Mielke, Marcelo Schramm; Strenzel, Gil Marcelo Reus
· Length at first sexual maturity of economically important fishes in the Brazilian Northeast Coast
Nunes, Yago Bruno Silveira; Aranha, Mariana Barros; Freitas, Jailza; Fernandes, Jackellynne Fernanda Farias; Silva, Ladilson Rodrigues; Figueiredo, Marina Bezerra
· First in situ record of the medusa stage of Cladonema radiatum (Cnidaria: Anthoathecata) in the South Atlantic Ocean
Farias, Gabriel Bittencourt; Leitão, Sigrid Neumann; Melo, Pedro Augusto Mendes de Castro; Nogueira Júnior, Miodeli; Tosetto, Everton Giachini
· Age and growth of oriental sole, Brachirus orientalis (Bloch & Schneider, 1801), in the Persian Gulf (Soleidae)
Keivany, Yazdan; Alghada, Dima; Paykan-Heyrati, Fatemeh
· Record of a bypass on the oral siphon of Ascidia sydneiensis (Tunicata: Ascidiacea) in a tropical bay from south-eastern Brazil
Silva, Paulo Cezar Azevedo; Oliveira, Géssica Cristine Maia; Barboza, Danielle Fernandes; Skinner, Luís Felipe