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 Ocean Coast. Res., Volume 72, 2024

Capa OCR 2024

  • Original Article
  ·  Neotectonic control of shelf valley formation on the southern Pernambuco continental shelf - Brazil
Tassinari, Luis Felipe de MeloAraújo, Tereza Cristina Medeiros deBarbosa, José Antônio

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Declining population of giant clams (Cardiidae:Tridacninae) in Palawan, Philippines
Dolorosa, Roger G.Mecha, Niño Jess Mar F.Bano, Jemima D.Ecube, Krizia Meryl A.Villanueva, Elmer G.Cabaitan, Patrick C.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Biogenic composition of calcium carbonate over the past 140,000 years: clues from a marine core in the Santos Basin
Tomazella, Mariana OlivaPedrão, Guilherme AugustoQuadros, Juliana PereiraToledo, Felipe Antonio de LimaCosta, Karen Badaraco

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Subtidal benthic marine litter off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Araújo, Fábio Vieira deVidela, Eduardo da SilvaMasi, Bruno PereiraSilva, André Luiz Carvalho da

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Seaweed blooms in paradise: Ecological reflexivity, governance and the Sargassum crisis in the Mexican Caribbean
Durand, LeticiaSundberg, JuanitaRodríguez-Martínez, Rosa E.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Beachrocks of the northeast of Brazil: local effects of sea level fluctuations in a far-field during in Holocene
Ferreira Júnior, Antonio V.Stattegger, KarlCamargo, João M. R.Araújo, Tereza C. M. de

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Feeding habits of the South Pacific hake, Merluccius gayi, in Ecuador, Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean
Hernández-Téllez, Ana R.Cajas-Flores, Jacqueline M.Ordiano-Flores, AlfredoCalle-Morán, Marcos D.Bucheli-Quiñonez, Robert J.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Microbiome changes in a stranding simulation of the holopelagic macroalgae Sargassum natans and Sargassum fluitans
Mendonça, Inara R. W.Theirlynck, TomZettler, Erik R.Amaral-Zettler, Linda A.Oliveira, Mariana Cabral

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Evaluation of the potential for greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4) emissions in the southern São Paulo coastal region, Cananéia-Iguape system
Araujo, Elaine C.Correa, ThaisAndrade, Izabel da S.Macedo, Fernanda de M.Marques, Marcia T.Andrade, ThaisSouto-Oliveira, Carlos EduardoBraga, Elisabete S.Andrade, Maria de F.Landulfo, Eduardo

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Descriptive and spatial analysis of bycatch in tuna purse-seine fishery in the colombian Pacific Ocean, with an elasmobranch approach
Puentes, VladimirBarragán-Barrera, Dalia C.Amaral, Karina Bohrer DoEscobar, Fabian D.Zapata, Luis A.Zambrano, EmilianoBarreto, Carlos G.Tavera, JoséPolo, Carlos J.Altamar, JairoMoreno, Angelica S.Benavides, Iván F.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Exploring ecoacoustic indices in response to soundscapes in a marine protected area exposed to coastal upwelling
Minello, MuriloCalado, LeandroMelo-Júnior, Ubirajara Gonçalves deXavier, Fabio C.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Assessment of the ingestion of anthropogenic debris by green turtles along the south-central coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gomes, Beatriz GuimarãesGuimarães, Suzana MachadoTagliolatto, Alícia BertolotoReis, Estéfane CardinotMasi, Bruno PereiraAraújo, Fábio Vieira de.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  The climatology and classification of coastal storms on the Southeastern coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Klumb-Oliveira, Leonardo

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Contributions of rising mean river level of the Río de la Plata estuary on recorded changes in positive storm surges
Azkue, M. Florencia deD’Onofrio, Enrique E.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Density and spatial distribution of migratory shorebirds in different foraging habitats in the coastal region of Piauí State, Brazil
Siqueira, Airton Janes da SilvaNascimento, Muryllo dos SantosDamasceno, João Paulo TavaresGóes, João MarcosGomes, Brena LinsPaula Filho, Francisco José deGuzzi, Anderson

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Changes and challenges in artisanal fishery: unpacking the impact of a mining waste disaster
Jankowsky, MayraMendonça, Jocemar TomasinoFreitas, Rodrigo Randow de

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Marine litter as a vector for fouling species in Iceland
Solloway, Holly A. I.Micael, JoanaGíslason, Sindri

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Identifying the origins of nanoplastics in the abyssal South Atlantic using backtracking Lagrangian simulations with fragmentation
Pierard, Claudio M.Meirer, FlorianSebille, Erik van

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  The impact of functional selectivity by fisheries on the fish fauna of Abrolhos Bank
Zapelini, CleversonHackradt, Fabiana Cézar FélixHackradt, Carlos WernerSchiavetti, Alexandre

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Analysis of self-reported discard information in Uruguayan industrial trawl fisheries
Orlando, LuisGarcía, Daniel

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )

·  Distributional limits of the Shortnose Guitarfish, Zapteryx brevirostris (Rhinopristiformes: Trygonorrhinidae) - An update
Xavier, Lilian G.Bovcon, Nelson D.Basílio, Thiago H.Freitas, João Eduardo P.Charvet, PatriciaFaria, Vicente V.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Marine litter on Atlantic Ocean sandy beaches: Current state of knowledge by scientometric analysis and proposal for discussion of amelioration by coastal management
Póvoa, Alain AlvesSouza, Luiza Reis deHenud, Igor RodriguesDe-la-Torre, Gabriel EnriqueSoares-Gomes, Abilio

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Distribution of total suspended solids and dynamics of the estuarine turbidity maximum in the Ipojuca River estuary
Lins, Sayonara Medeiros, Carmen Freitas, Issac

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Reproductive success of the South American Tern, Sterna hirundinacea Lesson, 1831 (Aves: Laridae), at an artificial site in the coast of São Paulo state, Brazil
Fonseca, Léo C. M. Barbieri, Edison

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  The use of Passive Acoustic Monitoring as an auxiliary tool for monitoring Marine Protected Areas
Mariani, Ana Clara B. Godoy, Silvia N. Santos, Marcos César de O.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Abundance and distribution of solid waste and microplastics in southeastern Brazilian islands: a comprehensive analysis
Imsaurriaga, Caroline Souza de Andrade Póvoa, Alain Alves Derviche, Patrick Gomes, Beatriz Guimarães Castro, Rebeca Oliveira Araújo, Fábio Vieira de

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Conservative behavior of δ13C values of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Cananéia-Iguape estuarine-lagoon complex (southeastern Brazil)
Millo, Christian Kujawski, Rita Stasevskas Sousa, Silvia Helena de Mello e Grizon, Anna Oudin, Elisa Berbel, Gláucia Bueno Benedetti Bertrand, Guillaume Chiozzini, Vitor Gonsalez Braga, Elisabete de Santis

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Phenotypic variation of Thenus spp. (Decapoda, Scyllaridae) in the waters of southern Thailand and Malaysia using multivariate morphometric analysis
Radzi, Ihsan Hani Chen, Cheng-Ann Hajisamae, Sukree Soe, Kay Khine

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  •  Brief Communication 
  ·  Community and species-specific responses of coastal birds to COVID-19 “anthropause” in the largest hypersaline lagoon of South America
Rangel, Danilo FreitasCosta, Leonardo LopesCastro, Ítalo de Braga

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  A report on new sponge-ophiuroid associations and reinforcement of scientific knowledge
Oliveira, MarianySilva, Maiara Queiroz Monteiro daBarroso, Cristiane XerezSalani, SulaMatthews-Cascon, Helena

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Length-weight and length-length relationships of 16 marine fish species in Vietnam
Nguyen, Khanh Quoc

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  First record of the potential invasive crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) in the Uruguayan coast
Machado, IrenePasquariello, SoledadVieira, RonyCalliari, DaniloRodríguez-Gallego, Lorena

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Water temperature modulation to prevent the South American rock mussel (Perna perna) from spawning during depuration
Suplicy, Felipe MatarazzoSouza, Robson V. deTribuzi, Giustino

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Length-weight relationship of 104 demersal fish species from the continental shelf of the South Brazilian Bight captured in bottom trawl shrimp nets
Melo, Gabriel Domingues deSpach, Henry LouisAdelir-Alves, JohnatasPinheiro, Pedro CarlosSoeth, Marcelo

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Squids caught by shrimp trawlers off the coast of Sergipe, northeastern Brazil
Freire, Kátia Meirelles FelizolaReis-Júnior, JosafáSantos, Roberta Aguiar

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  An erroneous record of Perna viridis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Bivalvia, Mytilidae) for the northeastern coast of Brazil, Southwestern Atlantic
Arruda, Eliane Pintor deRegis, Laís BelminoOliveira, MarianyMatthews-Cascon, HelenaBarroso, Cristiane Xerez

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Guiana dolphin movements across three decades between Sepetiba and Ilha Grande bays in southeastern Brazil
Anibolete, DanielMaricato, GuilhermeMaciel, IsraelTardin, Rodrigo

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Aggregative behavior of blackfin tuna (Thunnus atlanticus) following a fishing boat in the southwestern tropical Atlantic Ocean
Silva, Guelson Batista da Araújo, Paulo Victor do Nascimento

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Historical shipwrecks in international waters contributes to coastal pollution
Bezerra, Luis Ernesto ArrudaTeixeira, Carlos Eduardo PeresSampaio, Claudio L. S.Cavalcante, Rivelino MartinsSoares, Marcelo de Oliveira

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Spatiotemporal analysis of mangrove vegetation in a protected area using spectral indices
Cidreira-Neto, Ivo Raposo Gonçalves Bezerra e Queiroz, Vinícius D’Lucas Candeias, Ana Lúcia Bezerra Guilherme, Betânia Cristina Rodrigues, Gilberto Gonçalves
        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Mating sanctuary for whitespotted eagle rays (Aetobatus narinari) in Brazilian southeastern waters
Karlovic, Thamíris C. Longo, Gabriela R. Lopes, Arielly R. Amaral, Iara L. Yoshino, Yara A. Almeida, Amanda A. V. Andrade, Lucas S. Bedin, Felipe G. Abreu, Marcos T. de Chioatto, Francesco S. M. Kian, Carolina Y. Candido, Lucas C. Silva, Joyce M. Moreira, Priscila S. Dias, June F.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  White Shark or Shortfin Mako? Lamnid sharks identification in an overlapping area of the Equatorial Southwestern Atlantic
Gonçalves-Neto, José Belquior Lima, Camila de França Jucá-Queiroz, Bruno Freitas, João Eduardo Pereira de Charvet, Patricia Faria, Vicente Vieira

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  • Opinion Essay
  ·  Human-wildlife conflict between Neotropic cormorant and artisanal fisheries induces dubious management policies in southern Brazil
Pimenta, Victor Ribeiro AlvaresRodrigues Filho, Jorge LuizAtaides, Jordana SampaioBranco, Joaquim Olinto

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  • Case Report
  ·  Evidence of magnetite reduction and primary magnetization destruction during early diagenesis in sediments from Maldives Inner Sea
Carrasqueira, Igor Gustavo da FonsecaLanci, LucaJovane, Luigi

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Insights into the flow characteristics of tsunami bores and surges: a case study of Malaysian Coastline
Moon, Wei ChekLau, Tze LiangPuay, How Tion

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Indonesia Cable-Based Tsunameter (InaCBT): Tsunami detection and identification on other seismic wave signals
Pandoe, Wahyu W. Purwoadi, Michael A. Qonita, Zulfa Rusdiansyah, Alfi Suwarjono, Aris

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Exploring local and species contributions to beta diversity in a bay fish community: A baseline assessment of the Ubatumirim Bay
Costa, João Henrique Alliprandini daMartins, Itamar A.Cetra, MauricioFerreira, Fabio CopSouza, Ursulla Pereira

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Personal care products and biomarkers of detoxification and oxidative stress in bivalves: A systematic review of laboratory studies
Martins, Adrielle Beatrice do Ó Albergaria-Barbosa, Ana Cecília Rizzatti de Combi, Tatiane

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf  )

Ocean Coast. Res., Volume 72 (suppl.1), 2024


Special Article Collection:

Capa OCR 2024 suppl 1



"An ocean of science, worms, and humaneness: a tribute to Paulo Lana"

Editors: Maikon Di Domenico, José Milton Andriguetto-Filho and Rubens M. Lopes

  • Editorial
  ·  An ocean of science, worms, and humaneness: a tribute to Paulo Lana
Di Domenico, Maikon Andriguetto-Filho, José Milton Lopes, Rubens M.

 · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  • Review
  ·  An analysis of meiofauna knowledge generated by Latin American researchers
Baldeija, BernardoLercari, Diego

· abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Trait-based approaches to address animal-soft sediment relationships in marine ecosystem: a mini review
Gimenez, Barbara C. G. Gusmao, Joao B. Petsch, Danielle Katharine Fernandes, Felipe Jacob Lana†, Paulo C.

· abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  • Original Article 
  ·  Intraspecific facilitation of the recruitment of a burrowing mangrove crab species along an environmental gradient
Schmidt, Anders JensenDiele, Karen
· abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
   ·  A new species of Loimia (Annelida, Terebellidae) from Papua New Guinea, with comments on other species recorded in the region
Hutchings, PatDaffe, GuillemineFlaxman, BethRouse, Greg W.Lavesque, Nicolas
· abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )   · Addendum
  ·  Two-year survey of Alitta succinea (Annelida: Nereididae) in fouling communities with notes on morphology and reproduction
Hannon, Mary ColleenSchulze, Anja
· abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Harmful algae in the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex, Brazil: a spatio-temporal assessment
Mafra Jr., Luiz LaurenoEscobar, Bruno PimentaFernanda Sobrinho, Bruna
· abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in Scolelepis goodbodyi (Polychaeta, Spionidae) after an experimental oil spill in a dissipative sandy beach
Ozorio, Carla PennaGuiloski, Izonete C.Silva de Assis, Helena C.Martins, César C.Sandrini-Neto, LeonardoLana, Paulo C.

· abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  A drone diagnosis of the environmental quality of the restinga on the south coast of Brazil
Silva, Cesar Aparecido daPrandini, Matheus KoppCorrea, Alan D’Oliveira

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  New species of Sphaerosyllis Claparède, 1863 (Annelida: Syllidae: Exogoninae) from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Ogawa, NamyMendes, Samuel Lucas da Silva DelgadoSiqueira, GabrielaRizzo, Alexandra

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  How is copepod functional diversity shaped by 2015-2016 El Niño and seasonal water masses in a coastal ecosystem of Southwest Atlantic?
Menezes, Bárbara SantosBecker, Érica CarolineAgnelli, Flora BalcãoMacedo-Soares, Luis Carlos Pinto deDias, Cristina de OliveiraFreire, Andrea Santarosa

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Sediment transport trend in an erosive sandy beach: the case of Matinhos Beach, south coast of Brazil
Luersen, David M.Lopes, Alexandre B.Franz, Guilherme. A. S.Mildemberger, DaniloNoernberg, Mauricio A.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Is Namalycastis abiuma (Grube, 1871) (Annelida: Nereididae) restricted to its type-locality? Evidence from morphological and molecular data
Alves, Paulo RicardoGlasby, Christopher J.Paiva, Paulo CesarSantos, Cinthya Simone Gomes

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  New perspectives for the Annelida collection (National Museum/UFRJ) database: using data visualization to analyze and manage biological collections
Messias, Camila Simões Martins de AguiarFonseca, Carlos Cesar de OliveiraSantos, Monique Cristina dosSá, Asla M.Zanol, Joana

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  The effect of extreme climatic events on littorinid snails in two estuarine environments, temperate (NW Spain) and tropical (NE Brazil)
Maia, Rafaela CamargoTroncoso, Jesus Souza

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Polychaete research in Brazil: a bibliometric analysis
Nascimento, Rodolfo LeandroMendes, SamuelVital, Marcos V. C.Paiva, Paulo Cesar

     · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Polychaetes (Annelida) from Sepetiba Bay (Brazil): an update on species occurrences
Álvarez, RicardoRodrigues, Andrielle RaposoRebello, João GabrielMiranda, Vinícius da RochaBrasil, Ana Claudia dos Santos

          · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Ecological review of the Syllidae (Annelida) associated with sponges (Porifera), including the description of a new species from northeastern Brazil
Lira, Anny Laura de OliveiraCraveiro, NykonParesque, KarlaFukuda, Marcelo VeronesiRosa Filho, José Souto

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Participative governance quality over marine spaces: challenges for estuarine socioecological resilience at the Paranaguá Bay Zone
Telles, Daniel Hauer QueirozPinotti, Lígia Carolina Alcântara

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Aquatic avifauna in a subtropical estuarine system, a World Heritage site (Paraná, southern Brazil)
Miotto, Maiara LarissaDomit, CamilaMelo, Gabriel Domingues deDomenico, Maikon Di

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Determination of organic contamination levels by the ABC Method (Abundance/Biomass Curves) in intertidal estuarine flats using hierarchical design
Baudisch, Steffany KatherineBrauko, Kalina ManabeLana, Paulo da Cunha

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  In the footsteps of Prof. Ernst Marcus: redescription and lectotypes/paralectotypes designations of Aeolosoma species (Annelida, Aeolosomatidae) from original material
Simioni, Nathan Drumov GonçalvesGarraffoni, André Rinaldo Senna

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )

·  Navigation buoys as stepping-stones for invasive species
Metri, RafaelBaptista-Metri, CassianaTavares, Yara Aparecida GarciaLacerda, Mariana BaptistaCorreia, Elliezer LimaSoares, Gésica da Costa Bernardo;Guilherme, Pablo Damian Borges

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )

·  Macrofauna from the sandy shore of the Johnny Cay Regional Natural Park, San Andrés and Providencia, biosphere reserve, Colombian Caribbean region
Gaurisas, Daniela Y. Barrios-Vásquez, Eliana Arteaga-Flórez, Catalina Mutis-Martinezguerra, Maria A. Martínez-Campos, Bibian

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  An annotated checklist of Hesionidae Grube, 1850 (Annelida: Errantia) from Brazil with a key to the genera
Marques, Victor HugoFreitas, RobertaRuta, Christine

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Aberranta magnumlanai n. sp. (Annelida: Aberrantidae) a new species from Brazil and first occurrence of the genus in the Southern Hemisphere
Santos, Cinthya S. G.Rizzo, Alexandra E.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Review of Polydora species from Brazil, with identification key and description of two new species (Annelida: Spionidae)
Radashevsky, Vasily I.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )    · Erratum
  ·  An overview of the occurrences of Exogone (Annelida, Syllidae) in Brazil, with the description of a new species
Fukuda, Marcelo V. Ribeiro, William M. G. Rossi, Raphaela H. C. Nogueira, João M. M.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )

·  Lumbrineris lanai n. sp., a new species of polychaete (Annelida: Eunicida: Lumbrineridae) from the Robinson Crusoe Island, Juan Fernandez Archipelago, off the coast of Chile
Díaz-Díaz, Oscar Rozbaczylo, Nicolás Gárate, Paulina

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Regeneration patterns in Naineris aurantiaca (Muller, 1858) (Annelida, Orbiniidae)
Alvarez, Ricardo Pires, Estela Valerio, Giovanna Domenico, Maikon Di

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Mapping and sharing scientific polychaete collections in Brazil: challenges for the Ocean Decade
Petti, Mônica A. V. Paiva, Paulo C. Steiner, Tatiana M. Messias, Camila S. M. A. Fukuda, Marcelo V. Zanol, Joana Bromberg, Sandra Amaral, A. Cecília Z.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  •  Brief Communication
  ·  First report of plastic biomedia contamination in Brazilian beaches - evidence from the Paraná coast
Nagai, Renata HanaeMesquita, Yan WeberAlvarenga, AislynMassignani, Cecília C.V.N.Nascimento, Ana Barbara T.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Reproductive cycle of Crassostrea gasar cultivated in three different locations at the Estuarine Complex of Paranaguá (PR)
Afonso, Taís SerpaAraújo, Evelyn Zenira deSühnel, SimonePetersen, Rodolfo LuisLagreze-Squella, Francisco José

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  •  Case Report
  ·  Direct hydrodynamic measurements at the upper shoreface of a sandy beach in Paraná - Brazil
Noernberg, Mauricio A.Rodrido, Pedro A.

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
  ·  Challenges and responses to sea level rise in the context of climate change: A case study of the Paranaguá Estuarine Complex
Silva, RobertNoernberg, MauricioLopes, Alexandre

        · abstract in English     · text in English     · English ( pdf )


 Previously published volumes:


Previous OCR Designations

Boletim do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia

Boletim do Instituto Paulista de Oceanografia

1950 - 1951
(vols. 1 - 2)


Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico

Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico

1952 - 1995
(vols. 3 - 43)


Revista Brasileira de Oceanografia

Revista Brasileira de Oceanografia

1996 - 2003
(vols. 44 - 51)


Brazilian Journal of Oceanography

Brazilian Journal of Oceanography

2004 - 2019
(vols. 52 - 67)




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